Customer story

Denver South and TomTom

Beating congestion with better data.

Denver South and TomTom

Denver South Transportation Management Association (DSTMA) is looking to alleviate Colorado’s commuting woes – with the help of our analytic data.

Keeping commuters moving

DSTMA is tasked with keeping transportation on track in one of Colorado’s busiest regions – one that is only getting busier. It identified a bottleneck in last-mile connections and saw an opportunity for transit improvement, but lacked the data to create a solution. Enter TomTom MOVE, a tool that collects data via its vast community, mainly through GPS data recorded from driven trips.

Unlike other origin and destination (O-D) commuter survey tools, which are now outmoded, TomTom MOVE offered an O-D tool that visualizes traffic patterns – providing DSTMA with in-depth information and insights which they could immediately use to begin testing a variety of smart solutions.

Denver South and TomTom

Understanding origin and destination data has become imperative for transportation and mobility planning, especially at the scales and penetration rates we’re now able to achieve. The speed, reliability and analytical capabilities of TomTom’s MOVE offerings were impossible to reach through traditional methods.

Daniel Hutton

DSTMA’s Director of Transportation & Mobility

The advantages of TomTom analytic data

TomTom MOVE armed DSTMA with more than just data. It gave interpretive information that was immediately useful in the decision-making process.

This data-driven approach has not only empowered DSTMA to take a more active role in freeing up rush hour traffic, but it proves that this kind of large-scale data unlocks unique possibilities, such as testing new solutions and technologies that could turn the tide in the battle against congestion.

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