Syndney, Australia rendered from Orbis Maps data
Behind the map

Open, flexible, built for business: What makes TomTom Orbis Maps so alluring for location tech

TomTom released its Orbis Maps into the wild last year, and it is now being applied to more and more use cases every week. Gone are the days of complex, hard-to-use maps and non-scalable open data, Orbis Maps is flexible and versatile, built on a common foundation and open standard. We spoke with Mike Schoofs, TomTom’s Chief Revenue Officer, and Ana Lira, VP of Engineering, to find out why companies are choosing Orbis Maps and what makes it so versatile.
Sep 04, 2024·7 mins read
A group of TomTom'ers and OSM map editors
Behind the map

Celebrating 20 years of OpenStreetMap: A testament to community and collaboration

As OpenStreetMap (OSM) marks its 20th birthday this week, we’re taking the time to reflect on the impact this pioneering collaborative project has had on the digital mapping world. Over the past two decades, OSM has grown to play an invaluable role in evolving the landscape of geospatial data for the better. Join us as we look back.
Aug 09, 2024·4 mins read
A map of Paris
Behind the map

Navigating Paris during the 2024 summer games

Paris is buzzing with excitement for the 2024 Olympic Games, bringing with it a wave of visitors and an influx of cars and traffic. While the energy of this global event is thrilling, it also poses a daunting challenge: navigating through one of the world's busiest cities during peak congestion, amplified by the flurry of the Olympic Games and the millions of spectators expected to flock to the city. This is where TomTom comes in.
Jul 09, 2024·2 mins read
TomTom's Orbis Map in development on a car's dashboard
Behind the map

A solution for chaos: TomTom’s award winning, customer-centric map

Following months of research, consulting and business analysis firm Frost and Sullivan recently awarded TomTom its 2024 Customer Value Leadership Award for the automotive mapping segment, recognizing the company for its innovative yet authentic approach to automotive map products, which are part of TomTom Orbis Maps. We sat down with Frost and Sullivan Associate Director and Head of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Research Kamalesh Mohanarangam to learn more.
Jul 08, 2024·4 mins read
An image of paper maps
Behind the map

In the age of digital mapmaking, what does the word ‘map’ even mean? It’s all about the context

Close your eyes and think of a map... What’s the first thing that comes to mind? Is it an unwieldy paper map that unfolds to lay bare the truths of a certain area? Maybe you think of a hand-drawn map of a fantasy universe constructed to tell a story? Or do you picture a modern digital map with points of interest, zoom functions and colored lines pointing out a clear route for you to follow? The word map means different things to different people, and as mapping technology evolves so does the definition of what a map is.
Jun 10, 2024·6 mins read
Road safety, hazard warnings, ISA, lane departure
Behind the map

TomTom CPO: 'Maps have a unique ability to make our roads safer'

Maps are a special technology. For centuries they’ve helped us understand our changing world and solve ever-evolving challenges such as how to get from a to b, how to design cities and how to manage traffic, among others. Recently, we interviewed Johan Land, TomTom’s Chief Product Officer, to learn more about maps’ unique ability to positively contribute to road safety.
May 31, 2024·5 mins read
A picture showing an EV charging with an acompanying phone app
Behind the map

Inside TomTom’s EV vision: What’s a mapmaker got to do with electric vehicles?

When someone says electric vehicles (EVs), you probably don’t think of TomTom — but you should. As the world goes electric, we must find ways to make living with EVs and using them in businesses as simple and effortless as possible. We need to rethink the experience and create something new, something that solves the problems of anyone or any business that uses electric vehicles, we need an excellent EV experience. Going electric is complicated for everyone, but it doesn’t have to be — and TomTom thinks its maps have the answer.
May 07, 2024·5 mins read
TomTom Orbis globe
Behind the map

TomTom Orbis maps is on its way to be ‘World’s best map.’ Find out how

“We’re so confident in the quality and the strategy of our new map, we know that if you come and try it out, you’ll be sold on it as well,” Michael Harrell, TomTom SVP of Maps Engineering. “The quality trajectory is going faster than we’ve ever seen.”
May 02, 2024·3 mins read
Drivers are watching the eclipse.
Behind the map

How mapmakers keep chaotic traffic under control during a total solar eclipse

Recently, millions of people traveled to and across North America to view the total solar eclipse in all its glory. To keep traffic flowing smoothly and ensure eclipse seekers knew what to expect on the roads, TomTom’s regional sourcing specialists started preparing months in advance. By the end, they’d mapped over 100 road closures in the U.S., and close to 50 in Mexico and Canada each.
Apr 26, 2024·4 mins read
TomTom best location tech platform, April 2024: Counterpoint Research
Behind the map

Counterpoint Research: 'TomTom leads in location applications'

In the race for cutting-edge location technology, TomTom has firmly secured pole position, coming out as the frontrunner in location applications and services in Counterpoint Research's latest analysis. For TomTom, it’s more than a win, it’s validation of its commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible on the road.
Apr 25, 2024·2 mins read
Map visualization video header image
Behind the map

Richer and more dynamic: TomTom’s SVP of Product Engineering on the future of map visualization

“In today's digital sphere, maps are becoming richer and more dynamic. As maps constantly evolve, their style is critical to serve the vast variety of use cases that rely on maps,” Manuela Locarno Ajayi, TomTom’s SVP of Product Engineering says.
Apr 03, 2024·1 mins read
futuristic, in-vehicle, dashboard, experience
Behind the map

TomTom's VP of Design on the future of in-vehicle experiences

"The automotive industry is going through a digital transformation... Software is becoming central to deliver the user experience," TomTom's VP of Design, Gianluca Brugnoli, says.
Mar 11, 2024·1 mins read
The world as data
Behind the map

Fresh, scalable, flexible and futureproof — TomTom Orbis Maps is the new standard in mapmaking

Standards are everything in business. They’re the rules that help our world work efficiently and cooperatively. Without them, individual countries could have tens of time zones, plug-and-play computer hardware wouldn’t exist and all our phones would have different charging connectors. So, it’s surprising to learn that some industries still lack crucial standardization to make everything work well together and promote interoperability and innovation. The commercial mapmaking and location tech industry is one such industry.
Feb 07, 2024·6 mins read
A picture of a well lit highway bridge extending to the horizon at dusk
Behind the map

TomTom's 2023 year in review: The big trends we're seeing in maps, EV, traffic and AI

The past year is one for TomTom’s history books. Delivering several firsts, the company is releasing new products, pushing its technology forward with the latest innovations. And it’s playing a central role in shaping the commercial mapping and location tech industry for good. With the year ending, let’s take a look at some of the milestones and trends from the past year and consider what’s on the horizon before TomTom returns with a bang at CES2024 in January.
Dec 19, 2023·10 mins read
Two people sat above a map working together to map
Behind the map

'Collaboration is the future of mapmaking': TomTom and Overture speak at OSM's State of the Map 2023

Collaboration is the guiding principle behind the twenty-year success of OpenStreetMap. It’s this fundamental concept that allows OSM’s communities to simultaneously use and make maps. This approach to modern mapmaking was a core theme at ‘State of the Map’ 2023 conference, in Antwerp, Belgium.
Nov 16, 2023·3 mins read
Satellite image of a road that's sectioned to show changing speed limit attributes
Behind the map

How TomTom turns open data into the Overture transportation layer: Road Sectioning

Transport infrastructure is a central feature of any map. So, it’s no surprise the Overture Foundation, with the exclusive help of TomTom, is developing its own data set of the world’s roads – what it calls its transportation layer. We looked at what TomTom is doing to create the Overture transportation layer and what it means for the project.
Nov 08, 2023·8 mins read
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