Recruiter and attendee at EWIT 2024
Life at TomTom

Strength in numbers: TomTom at European Women in Tech and the power of knowledge-sharing

So often the discourse around women in tech is how we can support women to succeed in their careers. But why not the other way round too? During my recent visit to European Women in Tech, I spoke to attendees about their ambitions, what support works for them in their careers and how they’ve been inspired to share their knowledge.
Jul 10, 2024·4 mins read
group photo at Pride drinks event
Life at TomTom

Finding the right words: Using inclusive language in the workplace

It’s easy to slip into habits, especially when it comes to language. We might use a phrase that’s familiar from our home country, for example. What many of us don’t realize is that an everyday word has the power to both empower but also diminish someone’s identity. We spoke with Amy Ogborn, Business Analyst at TomTom, to get to grips with the kind of language that we can and should be using to ensure everyone feels included, particularly members of the LGBTQIA+ community.
Jun 26, 2024·3 mins read
Goetz Weber spotlight headshot
Life at TomTom

Getting more out of maps: Goetz Weber’s unusual journey in software application strategy

Who is Goetz Weber – theoretical physicist, aspiring actor, serial entrepreneur, early-stage CEO and COO, software engineer and strategist, spanning the finance, gaming, mobile, Bitcoin and mapping industries? Somehow, he’s all of these things. We talked to Goetz, now VP of Commercial Innovation at TomTom, to share his story and unpack his passion for transforming the maps market.
Jun 20, 2024·5 mins read
Life at TomTom

Inclusivity really matters: How to make a work environment safe and inclusive for all

During an average day of your working life, you may feel included and comfortable in your own skin. However, there are many of you – specifically in the LGBTQIA+ community – who may not feel this way, toning down or hiding who you are, even though it’s something to be proud of. I interviewed Tomas Cafferata, Director of Product Management, about the importance of safety and inclusivity in the workplace, what more can be done, and what TomTom is doing to make a difference.
Jun 06, 2024·5 mins read
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Life at TomTom

The endless opportunities of maps: Natalya Reznik’s engineering journey

Within the fast-paced world of technological innovation, there are talented software engineers driving that progress every day. Who are they? What inspires them? And how are they making their individual impact on tech that people use every minute around the world? We talked to Natalya Reznik, Software Engineer at TomTom, to hear how her story across continents and companies led her to mapping.
Jun 04, 2024·4 mins read
For Silvia Longo article
Life at TomTom

Developing the developer experience: How TomTom'ers are boosting productivity and innovation

Developers can only go so far with their extensive knowledge and skillset when so much of their time is taken up with low-value, repetitive tasks and infrastructure maintenance. They also need the tools to deliver their best work. While TomTom’ers already have a suite of high-quality applications to help them realize the real-time map, one team's mission is to take this even further. We interviewed a Product Manager in the Internal Developer Experience (IDX) team, Silvia Longo, to find out more…
May 16, 2024·4 mins read
Benoit Joly - SVP Sales TomTom
Life at TomTom

Pitching the future of maps: Benoit Joly proves why it's worth investing in real-time mapmaking

Creating something is only half the journey. Getting that creation into the hands of the customers is the second half. This is where Benoit Joly, Senior Vice President of Automotive Sales, steps in. From his youth, building basic games and trying out new gadgets, to his decorated career in the tech industry, Benoit is very comfortable with innovation. This makes him the perfect ambassador for TomTom’s products. Hear Benoit’s story from a recent interview and how it led him to TomTom today.
Apr 22, 2024·3 mins read
TomTom Sponsorship Program to boost women's careers
Life at TomTom

Lead the way: Sponsoring women to help accelerate their career growth

Every single one of us dreams about what they would like to achieve in their career. But not all of us have the opportunities to take the necessary steps towards those dreams. TomTom wants to present those doorways of opportunity to female TomTom’ers with its new Sponsorship Program.
Mar 27, 2024·6 mins read
Miguel García - VP of Engineering at TomTom
Life at TomTom

Behind the screens of navigation: Miguel García turns engineering ideas into reality

Many of us see technology as the finished products we use every day. Yet through another lens, we see the complex lines of code that are weaving together the future of innovation. Miguel García has always lived at the center of this inner, generative world of new technology – keeping his focus on real-world benefits. He spent over a decade improving tech at Google and Amazon, and is now leading the future of navigation as VP Engineering at TomTom. We sat down with Miguel to hear his story.
Mar 14, 2024·4 mins read
Ana Lira - TomTom - Orbis Maps
Life at TomTom

Enabling collaborative mapmaking: Ana Lira builds the framework for the future of maps

With the buzz of mapmaking innovation on high, TomTom isn’t losing sight of the people behind the tech. In this interview, we share the story of Ana Lira, VP Engineering. Her career is painted with the full colors of passion and curiosity, always determined to build what has never been built before – which is exactly what she’s doing at TomTom.
Feb 28, 2024·4 mins read
Manuela Locarno Ajayi - SVP Product Engineering - TomTom
Life at TomTom

Empowering innovation: Manuela Locarno Ajayi builds apps and services on the world’s most useful map

Find the cutting edge, and you’ll find Manuela Locarno Ajayi. With extensive experience at companies like Microsoft and Amazon, she’s now a leader in TomTom’s mission to build the smartest, most useful map on the planet – creating the apps and services that support users across a variety of industries and use cases around the world. We spoke to Manuela to delve into her journey as a leader in software engineering, her decision to join TomTom and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in her role.
Jan 19, 2024·5 mins read
Life at TomTom

TomTom's Finance Graduate Program: A journey of learning and growth

Are you looking to dive into the world of finance and kick-start your career? TomTom’s Finance Graduate Program is designed to take you on a rich learning journey that’s more than just a job. We talked to three participants – Carlos, Lotta and Valeria – to explore their experiences and shed light on what makes this program stand out.
Dec 22, 2023·3 mins read
Life at TomTom

Designing the automotive revolution with Gianluca Brugnoli

Our digital world is entering the car more and more. For Gianluca Brugnoli, VP of Design at TomTom, that creates both a huge opportunity and challenge. How do you design a complex digital interface that’s not just streamlined and elegant, but also helps people around the world easily adapt to changing technologies?
Dec 15, 2023·3 mins read
How Mike Gilbert is taking the map further at TomTom | TomTom Newsroom
Life at TomTom

How Mike Gilbert is taking the map further at TomTom

Meet Mike: the multi-talented Director of Product Management who’s taking a fresh approach to powering TomTom Maps. As a programmer, a pilot, an author and a speaker with decades of experience leading geospatial projects across Microsoft, Mike is now excited to harness AI and large language models to change the world of mapping.
Nov 22, 2023·4 mins read
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Life at TomTom

Taking the lead on innovation: TomTom Lab builds new ideas and connections

Innovation is easier said than done. Yet so many companies are talking about it that the word has been reduced to a meaningless buzzword. It’s hard to tell who’s just saying it and who’s acting on it. So, we looked beyond the term to find out how TomTom’s innovation program, TomTom Lab, is taking action to create an impact.
Nov 15, 2023·4 mins read
Meet Bahram Zonooz: Leading TomTom's AI Journey | TomTom Newsroom
Life at TomTom

Meet Bahram Zonooz: Taking the lead on TomTom’s journey in AI

As a new VP of Engineering and Applied Science at TomTom, Bahram Zonooz is ready to put the map “at the forefront of a new tech revolution.” We sat down with the AI expert to find out more about his journey, what brought him to TomTom and what excites him in the world of mapping.
Oct 27, 2023·4 mins read
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