Work flexibility – everyone wants it and everyone needs it
Christian Lynn·Jan 25, 2023

Work flexibility – everyone wants it and everyone needs it

Christian Lynn
Staff Writer
Jan 25, 2023 · 4 min read
Work flexibility – everyone wants it and everyone needs it | TomTom Newsroom

The way we all work has changed. Gone are the nine-to-five days. Hybrid working models are far more common than ever.

Owl Labs, a workplace technology specialist, recognizes this in its 2022 report. On reasons to not accept a job offer, the top three for its 10,000 surveyed respondents were:  

  • Not allowing for flexible hours (37%) 

  • Not allowing for flexible working location (28%) 

  • Requiring employees to work in the office full-time (28%) 

Statistics like this show the current demand and desire for flexible working options. But the change was already happening back in 2021, including at TomTom, when it introduced its work flexibility benefits. These brought TomTom’s activity-based working strategy to life, giving TomTom’ers the ability to work in different locations – at home, in the office or on the way – depending on the needs of the teams and manager.

But what does work flexibility enable? Why is it important to help people find their place in work and the world? And how are TomTom’ers benefitting from it?  

Unpacking work flexibility

The office may be perfect for catching up with colleagues, but if you need quiet to deliver something with a quick turnaround, will a busy environment help or hinder you? Alternatively, you could choose to work from home or go into a silent booth in the office if the kids are on holiday and threaten to disturb the peace.  

This is the essence of work flexibility at TomTom – giving TomTom’ers and their teams the ability to balance their time between work locations to deliver their best work. TomTom’ers can collaborate in an office meeting room or at home via an online call or strap in for an agile sprint in a personal study or a silent office booth. TomTom’ers have options.  

More than that, they have the tools and workspaces to make it all happen. There are home office benefits to make it as comfortable and work-ready as possible. Then there are TomTom’s office spaces, which TomTom is redesigning to provide the optimal working environment.   

That’s not the whole story, though. TomTom’ers don’t have to operate within the binary of home or office. Enter Extended Location Flexibility, a unique benefit that enables temporary work in another country/state. With this, TomTom’ers are in touching distance of familiar faces or a new adventure after a workday.  
TomTom’ers can decide to work from home, the office or abroad.

The importance of flexible working

Where there’s a trend, there’s a tendency to follow in others’ footsteps. But why is work flexibility necessary? Why should other companies adopt hybrid ways of working to succeed? 

There are two reasons that TomTom identifies: It increases productivity and allows TomTom’ers to take the lead in their work and personal lives, resulting in a better work-life balance and happier people. 

According to Gartner’s 2021 Digital Worker Experience survey, “43% of respondents said that flexible working hours helped them achieve more productivity, and 30% of those surveyed said that less or no time commuting allowed them to be more productive.”  

When a TomTom’er, their team and manager all decide on where they want to work to complete a particular activity, this gives them the ability to achieve more. They will deliver the best quality they can in the location that best suits the project. All while being with family more often, either at home or in another country exploring new surroundings. Everyone appreciates a change of scenery – now, TomTom’ers can show off a real background during a video call.

TomTom’ers, with their teams, take ownership of their work location – it’s in their hands to deliver their best possible work to engineer the first real-time map. In return, they feel trusted and enjoy an even more relaxed and manageable work-life balance.  

How TomTom’ers have responded

We often talk with TomTom’ers about what they like most about life at TomTom. We do this through surveys, for example, and it’s here where TomTom’ers affirm the importance of work flexibility.  

TomTom’ers have told us they felt more connected with their colleagues and their productivity increased due to the option to work from home and the office. Additionally, TomTom’ers shared the benefit of having a flexible work schedule and its positive impact on their personal lives.  

There is always room for improvement, however. TomTom continues to listen and examine ways to improve its hybrid work model, like the office redesigns. The more we hear from our TomTom’ers, the more we can recognize what works and can improve to make the TomTom experience the best it can be.  

Work isn’t a place you go to but something you’re enabled to do 

Whether it’s TomTom's flexibility benefits or another form of hybrid/remote working, the definition of work has changed – everyone can make a difference anywhere. Employees just need the tools and trust to do it. 

Embrace true work flexibility. Help us engineer the first real-time map.

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