Navigation Map
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Navigation Map

Our highly detailed map is trusted by the world’s biggest companies – including Microsoft, Stellantis, Volkswagen and Uber – to provide guidance and coverage to drivers in over 200 countries and territories.

Maps that match the real world

We are always working to improve the freshness and quality of our maps. Our continuous update cycle ensures drivers have the most accurate, up-to-date map data. And it’s all easily delivered to you.

Features and benefits

Real-time map data

We use machine learning and AI to process large volumes of data and quickly detect changes. Thanks to this and sources such as mobile mapping images, input from local governments and 75,000+ qualified authorities, we’re able to see where new roads have been added, identify changes in traffic flow direction and determine road closures.

Fresh map data

As the world changes, it is captured on our map. Our transactional mapmaking ecosystem enables us to continuously detect changes, update the map, conduct quality checks and deliver the fresh, accurate content that users demand.

Fresh map data

Address verification

TomTom Address Points increases geocoding accuracy by associating actual street addresses to physical buildings. This enables comprehensive geospatial data analysis, faster address identification and last-mile navigation.

Address verification

Map visualization

Enrich the navigation experience with a display closer to reality, supported by such features as land use, land cover, buildings in 2D, 2.5D and 3D, and 3D landmarks and water.

Map visualization

Voice maps

Our text-to-speech technology delivers navigation instructions clearly spoken in local dialects and regional accents, keeping drivers’ eyes safely on the road. Voice maps also enable Virtual Personal Assistants (VPAs).

Voice maps

Points of interest search

With our points of interest (POI), drivers can easily find popular food, lodging and retail establishments, gas stations and electric vehicle charging points, improving the overall search experience.

Points of interest search

TomTom Navigation Map


The largest independent location tech specialist, we have nearly three decades of map-making experience. We believe in keeping the end user at the center of our content strategy.


Our map platform is powered by partners that include Uber and our community of 600+ million drivers.

Up to date

Map changes are continuously integrated, enabling us to publish incremental updates and deliver an always up-to-date map to customers.


The world’s largest automotive and tech companies trust our tech and expertise. And drivers trust our privacy-first data approach

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Navigation for Automotive

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