Maps for providing care: TomTom’s key partnerships save lives in rural areas

At TomTom, we are partnering with ADCi and Code 3 Consulting to ensure equal access for all emergency service providers, regardless of size or location.
There aren’t many guarantees in life, but when a tragedy occurs and the call for help is placed, we expect prompt access to emergency services, regardless of our location. However, this is not as easy to achieve as you might expect.
Many providers of emergency medical services (EMS) struggle to get reliable, detailed map data for their computer-aided dispatch (CAD) systems which are vital for locating patient’s whereabouts in an emergency. In rural areas of the United States, governmental agencies often lack quality, up-to-date map data. This is especially the case for small to mid-sized EMS providers who simply do not have the resources to employ full-time GIS analysts to create and maintain rural map data sets. Without access to the correct data, emergency services could be delayed reaching a patient in a critical condition. Every moment matters.
As the world’s leading location technology specialist, TomTom can help. Using truck routing, logistics, and fleet specific extensions, our customers can build fleet solutions that suit their specific business needs. We quickly determined that we could use this offering to provide small to mid-sized EMS providers with map data that could help save lives - but we could not do this alone.
That is why we reached out to our trusted TomTom partners to work together and help distribute this potentially life-saving data to rural and smaller emergency service providers in the US.
Authorized distributor of TomTom map data American Digital Cartography, Inc (ADCi) helped to secure the necessary information. Joe Roel, Head of ADCi, spoke to us. “ADCi has helped customers in every market successfully secure the correct data and license for their mapping applications, including government, utilities, education, transportation, business, and Internet-based applications.”
Once the map data was obtained with the help of ADCi, the team needed a partner to provide custom GIS services. We worked with Code 3 Consulting, a firm with direct experience of the potentially life-changing implications of outdated maps. According to the founder Dre Gilley, “Before getting my start in public safety technology I served as an EMT, police officer and 911 operator. I experienced first-hand the challenges that result from low quality, out-of-date map data. There is little more frustrating than attempting to locate a person experiencing an emergency only to be told the location ‘isn’t on the map’.
By combining base data from TomTom and ADCi with local sources, Code 3 Consulting was able to provide agencies with quality, up-to-date maps, customized to their specific need and CAD system. The greater quality of maps leads to greater accuracy when locating the citizen in need.
“Dre Gilley
Founder, Code 3 Consulting
So how exactly are we helping rural areas stay on the map?
Locating the patient quickly and efficiently
The first step in providing any emergency service is locating the citizen who needs help. Doing so quickly and efficiently requires quality map data with reliable up-to-date geocoding information. TomTom and our partners are perfectly positioned to provide data to those who need it most.
Ancillary location data such as exit numbers and points of interest can reduce delays in locating callers, especially those who may not be familiar with an area. For example, a caller in need may not know the name of the street they’re on but may be able to see a university, exit number or another landmark that a dispatcher can use to pinpoint the location.
Finding the best route
Reliable routing data used within computer-aided dispatch (CAD) systems assist dispatchers by providing recommendations for the most appropriate resource for an emergency scenario.
There are two ambulances in the area, one is six miles away from the scene and the other ambulance is four miles away. TomTom map data know the ambulance that is six miles away has a route that is all interstate and the ambulance that is four miles away has a route that is all downtown city streets. The dispatcher now knows the first ambulance is the faster and better choice.
This unique insight can save crucial minutes in emergency scenarios.
Large coverage areas
TomTom data for fleets and logistics are available at the provider’s home area and the surrounding regions. This is vital for ambulance providers since, unlike fire and police departments, they often leave their primary service areas when transporting patients.
TomTom’s map data is perfectly suited for fleets that require large and accurate coverage areas and can be crucial to finding an emergency anywhere on the map.
Working together with our partners we have come up with a viable solution to overcome the limitations and bring reliable and up-to-date maps to the whole community. Now when an emergency call is placed, emergency services with this technology installed will not have to compromise on safety because of a lack of access to quality map data.
Want to learn more?
Contact us today to learn more about how TomTom fleet management solutions can help your business.
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