In this document you would be presented with all the necessary information you would need to start using the portal. Please refer to the document if you have any questions, or feel free to reach out to your TomTom representative if something is missing.
01. Home page

a. Introduction
TomTom Welcome page or referred to as ‘Home page’. You would always be able to come back to this page by clicking on the ‘Home’ tab.
b. Purpose
On this page you can expect announcements about changes to the Partner Portal, important information on product changes, new collateral, or education materials available, etc.
02. Lead page

a. Introduction
The ‘Leads page’ is where you would be able to find all leads sent to your organization by TomTom. You can navigate to it by clicking the ‘Leads’ tab.
b. Purpose
On this page you would be able to collaborate with your TomTom representative on evaluating leads provided to you. You can ask for deal support, record activity to measure progress, upload important documents, register your own leads, but most importantly, foster a spirit of collaboration and transparency.
c. Way of use
If a lead has been assigned to your organization, the registered email address from your side would receive a notification informing you that there is a lead waiting for you in the leads list view. Best practice is to contact that lead in the first 24 hours as that increases your chances of closing it. The list view is simply the list of leads you see once you click on the ‘Leads’ tab.

Here you can also register leads that you are working on and might need help from our technical representatives, or by our sales representative. This help can be easily requested by the ‘Deal support’ request which will be covered in a bit. To register your own lead simply click on the ‘New Lead’ button on the top right side of the page.
Here you can sort leads by clicking on any of the columns – Name, Email, Company, Country, Owner Name, Unread By Owner, Created Date (the naming could change as the platform improves, but the logic will remain the same).

e. Accessing a lead
Now that you know how to navigate the page and where everything is, we should open your first lead! To do that, hover over to where the name of the lead is and click on it. When you open the lead, you would be presented with the dedicated lead page where you would be able to start working towards converting that lead to an opportunity.

The progress bar is where you, or your TomTom representative can note how far are you on the journey of converting the lead. All the statuses are clickable.
Open – base state of how you get the lead.
Contacted – when you made contact with the company.
Qualified – when you were able to assess if there is an opportunity.
Disqualified – when after assessing the lead you discovered there is no opportunity to chase after.
Clicking ‘Disqualified’ would send the lead in the ‘Disqualified Leads’ pile in the list view where you can reactivate the lead if anything changes in the future.
Convert to Opportunity – when you have assessed that there is a good chance for this lead to be an opportunity. Clicking ‘Convert to Opportunity’, or moving it to the last stage ‘Converted’, would automatically convert the lead to an opportunity and move it to the opportunity tab. Note that the name of the lead would now have ‘New_’ in front on it.
Right under the progress bar you can see three prominent buttons:

Right under the progress bar you can see three prominent buttons
Convert to Opportunity – this button would do the same as clicking on the ‘Convert to Opportunity’ on the progress bar.
Change Owner – this button would allow you to change the owner of the lead to someone else in your organization if multiple users are onboarded to the platform and have a dedicated license.
Edit – this button would allow you to edit any of the details seen in the ‘Details’ dropdown.
f. Request deal support
The Deal Support window can be seen on the bottom right side of the page.
To submit a new Deal Support request simply click on the ‘New’ button to access the request window.

When you fill in the request and click on save your TomTom representative would receive a notification that you need support and would be able to swiftly start supporting you with what you need to convert that lead into an opportunity.
g. Activity log & chatty windows
Just above the Deal Support window you can see that Activity log and Chatter windows.
03. Opportunity page

a. Introduction
The ‘Opportunity page’ is where you would be able to find all opportunities sent to your organization by TomTom, opportunities that you’ve been able to create by converting leads shared by TomTom, and opportunities that you’ve recorded in the platform. You can navigate to it by clicking the ‘Opportunity’ tab.
b. Purpose
On this page you would be able to collaborate with your TomTom representative on closing opportunities. You can collaborate on moving the opportunity through the stages and upload important documentation if necessary.
c. Way of use
If an opportunity has been assigned to your organization, the registered email address from your side would receive a notification informing you that there is an opportunity waiting for you in the opportunity list view. Here you would also find all the leads that you’ve converted to opportunities and the opportunities you’ve registered.

Here you can sort opportunities by clicking on any of the columns – Name, SSO ID, Account Name, Owner Full Name, Stage, CloseDate, Probability (%), Expected Gross Amount, Lead Source Name (the naming could change as the platform improves, but the logic will remain the same).
e. Accessing an opportunity
Now that you know how to navigate the page and where everything is, we should open your first opportunity! To do that, hover over to where the name of the opportunity is and click on it. When you open the opportunity you would be presented with the dedicated opportunity page where you would be able to start working towards closing that opportunity.

The progress bar is where you, or your TomTom representative can note how far are you on the journey of closing that opportunity. All the statuses are clickable.
Prospect – base state of how you get the opportunity – probability 0%
Contact – when you made contacted with the company – probability 10%
Qualified – when you were able to assess what is the magnitude of the opportunity – probability 10%
Validated – when after assessing the opportunity you were able to validate the interest – probability 20%
Propose – when your potential customer has asked for a proposal, and you have provided one – probability 50%
Negotiate – when you are in negotiations with the potential customer on the details of the deal – probability 80%
Contracted – when you’ve provided the potential customer with a contract to be signed – probability 80 %
Closed Won– when the prospect customer has signed the contract and is now your client, – probability 100%
To be able to ‘Closed Won’ an opportunity you would need to provide additional information. To do that, click on the ‘Edit’ button, located just under the progress bar.
This will automatically allow you to edit the fields underneath. Fill in the expected gross value of the deal and click ‘Save’ at the bottom of the screen. Then you can click on the final stage ‘Closed’ and select ‘Closed Won’. Then you would be prompted to fill in the following fields:

Closed Lost – when the opportunity is lost and there is no need to work on it any further – probability 0%.
To be able to ‘Closed Lost’ and opportunity you would need to provide additional information. To do that, click on the ‘Closed’ stage and select ‘Closed Lost’. Then you would be prompted to add the following details:

04. Contact page

a. Introduction
The ‘Contacts Page’ is where you would find all company contacts that you have collected.
b. Purpose
On this page you would be able to keep a ledger of the contacts you’ve created over the period of collaborating with TomTom. They would be in this list for your easy access at any point and time.
c. Way of use
Here you would be able to navigate all created contacts. Contacts are created in one of two ways. When you convert a lead into an opportunity, or when you create a new contact by clicking the ‘New Contact’ button on the top right corner of the page.

The page has the same navigation logic as the ones shared above.
e. Contact information
Now that you know how to navigate the page and where everything is, we should open your first opportunity! To do that, hover over to where the name of the opportunity is and click on it. When you open the opportunity you would be presented with the dedicated opportunity page where you would be able to start working towards closing that opportunity.

05. Support page

a. Introduction
The ‘Support Page’ is where you would find all created ‘Deal’ or ‘Technical’ support tickets you’ve created. Important note, these tickets are on lead and opportunity level. For account level support please follow the usual path.
b. Purpose
The ‘Support Page’ makes tracking and creating support tickets easy and trackable. You can view all open tickets or visit the ones that have been resolved in the past for a repeated issue.
c. Way of use
Raising a ‘Deal Support’ ticket can happen directly from a specific lead, or opportunity. How that is done is covered in the sections ‘Lead Page’ and ‘Opportunity Page’. However, you could also create one directly from the ‘Support Page’ instance. Simply click on the ‘New Support Request’ button located on the right side of the screen.
This would trigger a popup screen where you would need to specify if this ticket is related to a lead or an opportunity, give it a clear subject, write a detailed description and finally, select ‘Deal Support’ from ‘Deal Type’.
Raising a ‘Technical Support’ ticket can only happen from the ‘Support Page’. It works in the same way as the explanation given above. The only difference is that you select ‘Technical Support’ from the dropdown at ‘Deal Type’.

d. Ticket structure
You can view all the tickets created from the list view. To see closed tickets, you would need to change the list view filter (same flow as the one explained on lead and opportunity).

On the right side of the screen, you can see Case History, Files and Chatter.
01 Case History: Here you can see all the changes and movement of your ticket in real time.
02 Files: Here you can upload important documents, images, or anything else the team might need to support you in the resolution of your problem.
03 Chatter: This is where you can communicate with your Account Manager or Success Manager about your tickets. It's also the place where the resolutions to your tickets will be shared. You'll receive email notifications for all messages, so you won't miss any updates.

06. Analytics page

a. Introduction
The Analytics Page is where you would be able to see all the most important data for your business immediately!
b. Purpose
Here you can see the expected gross amount you have given to the opportunities currently being processed. Your closed won and lost ratio. Your top 10 opportunities based on stage and expected gross amount. Your open leads that need to be executed upon. Your leads and opportunities by stage. Finally, the number of open and closed support requests.
c. Way of use
The only action you need to do is to click the refresh button every time you want to see the most recent data. Keep in mind that if you are working on two pages you would still need to refresh the analytics page to get the latest information.