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DECEMBER 5-9, 2022

TomTom NEXT. Our student hackathon. Your NEXT step.

The registrations are now closed. Stay tuned for the NEXT edition!

Why should you join TomTom NEXT?

Every engineer wants to be a part of creating the next big thing. During this hackathon, you’ll bring an innovative idea to life with your classmates and the advice of TomTom’ers.

Get a feel for what TomTom NEXT is all about:

But wait... did we forget to mention there’s also prizes?


Here are the prizes awarded to the teams with the most innovative ideas!

3x master-level
winning teams

Your team wins a €4,000 cash prize

3x hacker-level
winning teams

Your team wins a €2,500 cash prize

3x bonus prize-
winning teams

Your team wins a €1,500 cash prize

Here are your hackathon challenges

You can choose from two difficulty levels – hacker and master. The hacker level is best suited for those starting in tech. The master level fits more experienced coders.

Ready to win one of our prizes?
Pick one of the following challenges:

How to register

Registrations are now closed.


Have you registered? Here’s an overview of what will be happening over the five-day hackathon.

Got any questions? Here’s an FAQ to put your mind at ease.

TomTom NEXT is organized alongside some of the top tech universities, who all share our support for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Quality education).

Partner with us

Are you a representative of a tech educational institution? Would you like to partner up for the next edition of TomTom NEXT? Please reach out to us at and we can take it from there.