TomTom's VP of Design on the future of in-vehicle experiences
Editorial team·Mar 11, 2024

TomTom's VP of Design on the future of in-vehicle experiences

Editorial team
TomTom Blog
Mar 11, 2024 · 1 min read
TomTom's VP of Design on in-vehicle experiences | TomTom Newsroom

"The automotive industry is going through a digital transformation... Software is becoming central to deliver the user experience," TomTom's VP of Design, Gianluca Brugnoli, says.

As we build the future of driving, software becomes more and more important. The experience of driving a vehicle is no longer about cylinders, engine configurations and gearboxes. It's about what's coded into its software.

The automotive world is changing, drivers expect their in-vehicle experience to feel fresh, connect with their digital lives outside the car and always be up-to-date.

Watch the video below to see Gianluca Brugnoli, TomTom VP of Design, explore how the software defined vehicle era is changing the way we drive and interact with our vehicles.

digital cockpit, tomtom, driving, invehicle, image

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