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EULA Automotive-produkter og innebygde OEM-produkter
Les gjennom lisensavtalen for sluttbrukere (EULA) som gjelder for dine Automotive-produkter og innebygde OEM-produkter.
Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property Rights
TomTom’s products, software, services, websites, and promotional materials are protected by intellectual property rights.
TomTom Trademarks and Guidelines on their Use
Subject to certain exemptions, use of TomTom’s trademarks is exclusively reserved to TomTom.
Unsolicited Ideas Submission Policy
The purpose of this policy is to avoid any potential disputes in case TomTom’s independently developed products, services, or features ever appear to be similar or identical to submitted ideas.
Reporting Copyright Infringement to TomTom
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Subject to certain exemptions, use of TomTom’s copyrights is exclusively reserved to TomTom and its licensees.
Unauthorised Websites and Other Media
Be aware that you may encounter websites, social media content, and other media that fraudulently claim to represent TomTom and/or offer counterfeit products or services.