Despite significant efforts to protect its customers and end users against third parties misusing TomTom’s brand and intellectual property rights, you may encounter websites, social media content, and other media that fraudulently misappropriate TomTom’s intellectual property rights, claim to represent TomTom and/or offer counterfeit products or services.
In particular, third parties may claim through a website or a social media channel to represent or act on behalf of TomTom and offer online support to TomTom customers, e.g. in updating their devices.
Please, be aware that :
• TomTom’s technical support will typically not reach out to you without your request. Accordingly, we urge you to caution in case you are contacted by someone claiming to act on behalf or for TomTom.
• Furthermore, updates for TomTom products are only available through official channels, i.e. via TomTom or – in case of in-dash navigation – via the automotive OEM.
• In addition, please pay attention to the domain name of websites and email addresses. Official email addresses and websites incorporate typically the domain name A deviating domain name may be an indication of an illegitimate or fraudulent offering.
If you have encountered such apparently fraudulent content or believe that you been targeted by fraud attempt, we recommend you do the following:
• Report any fraudulent activity to the relevant authorities.
• Should you already have made a payment, report this to the bank or payment provider immediately.
• Please report your observations to TomTom. Go here for more information.