Terms and Conditions


1 Scope

Find out when the TomTom Terms and Conditions apply and what they cover.

These Terms and Conditions apply:

    i. to any order for, purchase of or other form of obtaining:
        – Products and Services directly via TomTom; and
        – Apps via a Reseller; and
    ii. to your Account and the creation thereof; and
    iii. to the use and/or access of:
        – all Products, Services, Apps and User Contributed Data; and
        – Built-in Devices, except in the case that the terms and conditions from the Reseller or third party manufacturer of such Built-in Devices apply; and
    iv. to uploading, using and/or accessing your User Data.

For the avoidance of doubt, these Terms and Conditions shall not apply to Products and Services granted access to via the TomTom Developer Portal which is governed by the terms available at: https://developer.tomtom.com/terms-and-conditions.

By (i) submitting any order for, purchase of or other form of obtaining of a Product, Service, or App, and by (ii) using, and/or accessing any Platform, Service, or App and by (iii) creating an Account, you accept and are bound by these Terms and Conditions and any amendments and additions to it.

The list of definitions used in these Terms and Conditions can be found at the beginning of this document.

2 Vaše objednávka přímo prostřednictvím společnosti TomTom

Tato část popisuje, jak objednat výrobek nebo službu přímo prostřednictvím společnosti TomTom, co a jak zaplatíte a jak vám bude objednaná položka doručena.

2.1 Postup vytvoření objednávky

Společnost TomTom nabízí výrobky a služby prostřednictvím webových stránek, platforem a aplikací TomTom. Součástí těchto výrobků a služeb může být obsah TomTom a materiály třetích stran.

Chcete-li výrobek nebo službu objednat, koupit nebo jinou formou získat přímo od společnosti TomTom, můžete zadat objednávku prostřednictvím určené platformy, webových stránek TomTom nebo aplikace.

Každá zadaná objednávka podléhá schválení ze strany společnosti TomTom. Schválením ze strany společnosti TomTom je uzavřena smlouva formou potvrzení objednávky. Společnost TomTom si vyhrazuje právo jakoukoli objednávku v plném rozsahu nebo částečně odmítnout, případně stanovit maximální objem objednávky. Všechny objednávky výrobků jsou limitovány dostupností výrobků na skladě.

Při stažení aplikace TomTom od prodejce mohou navíc platit jeho podmínky a ustanovení. Než budete pokračovat, pečlivě si je přečtěte.

2.2 Cena a platba

Některé výrobky a služby jsou placené. Ceny produktů a služeb uvedené na webových stránkách společnosti TomTom a v aplikaci zahrnují DPH. Standardní cena za dopravu a případné manipulační poplatky se mohou lišit v závislosti na produktu a hodnotě košíku. Nesete odpovědnost za jakékoli místní daně z prodeje, jiné případné daně a správní poplatky spojené s objednávkou. Ceny se mohou kdykoli změnit (v souladu s odstavcem „Ukončení a změny“ v části „Práva společnosti TomTom“ v kapitole „Vaše používání“ těchto podmínek a ustanovení), ale tyto změny nebudou mít vliv na objednávky výrobků nebo služeb s fixní dobou vytvořené před datem změny.

V případě měsíčních předplatných budou změny cen platit od začátku následujícího období předplatného po datu změny ceny za předpokladu, že o této změně budete s dostatečným předstihem informováni prostřednictvím e-mailu, webových stránek, služeb či aplikací společnosti TomTom nebo jiným způsobem.

Budete-li po datu platnosti nové ceny uvedeném v oznámení nadále používat služby či aplikaci, vyjadřujete tím svůj souhlas s novou cenou. Nebudete-li se změnou ceny souhlasit, máte podle části 5.3.2 právo změnu odmítnout tím, že do čtyř měsíců od data, kdy vás společnost TomTom o této změně informuje, zrušíte své předplatné.

Některé služby a aplikace jsou poskytovány bezplatně. Společnost TomTom si vyhrazuje právo kdykoli se od nabídky takových bezplatných služeb či aplikací odchýlit nebo ji zastavit. Bude-li služba či aplikace do budoucna nabízena za poplatek, bude vás společnost TomTom o této skutečnosti informovat. V takovém případě se můžete rozhodnout pokračovat v používání služby či aplikace za tento poplatek nebo její používání ukončit.

Úhrada všech objednávek musí být provedena prostřednictvím platební služby zajištěné společností TomTom. Abyste mohli zadávat objednávky a používat tuto platební službu, musíte vložit údaje o své upřednostňované platební metodě, fakturační a dodací adrese (pokud připadá v úvahu) nebo jakékoli další údaje nezbytné pro vyřízení objednávky.

V případě, že inkaso prostřednictvím této platební služby neproběhne, zašle vám společnost TomTom poštou fakturu ve výši pohledávky, kterou jste povinni uhradit šekem, poštovní poukázkou nebo platební kartou do 15 dnů ode dne vystavení faktury.

2.3 Doručení a riziko ztráty

Společnost TomTom bude usilovat o to, aby byl výrobek doručen do 30 dnů od přijetí objednávky. V případě objednání více výrobků si společnost TomTom vyhrazuje právo doručit jednotlivé výrobky samostatně. Společnost TomTom dále usiluje o zpřístupnění služeb do 24 hodin od přijetí objednávky.

Výrobek bude doručen na vaši dodací adresu. Služba vám bude k dispozici ke stažení, případně doručena a zpřístupněna elektronicky. Okamžikem doručení výrobku na vás přechází riziko jeho poškození nebo ztráty. Riziko poškození nebo ztráty služby na vás přechází v okamžiku, kdy je vám služba zpřístupněna nebo elektronicky doručena.

V případě, že si výrobek nepřevezmete, vyhrazuje si společnost TomTom právo naúčtovat vám přiměřené náklady na skladování výrobku do doby, kdy jej bude možno doručit.

Nebude-li z jakéhokoli důvodu mimo kontrolu společnosti TomTom možno doručení provést, vyhrazuje si společnost TomTom právo smlouvu zrušit a vrátit zpět zaplacené prostředky.

Pokud vám společnost TomTom výrobek nebo službu dodá nebo zpřístupní omylem, obraťte se na společnost TomTom a vyžádejte si další pokyny (e-mailem prostřednictvím stránekhttp://www.tomtom.com/support).

3 Your cancellation rights of orders

As a consumer, you are entitled to cancel your purchase within a limited time after purchase. This section explains the conditions under which you can exercise your right of cancellation of orders for Products, Services and Apps.

For Products purchased via TomTom, you have a right to cancel the purchase agreement for any reason for a period of 14 days commencing on the date of delivery to your delivery address. TomTom will refund the purchase price and original shipping costs actually paid (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from its choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us, or where multiple Products were ordered and not all Products purchased are returned). TomTom will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for your initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise.

To exercise your cancellation right you must inform TomTom about your decision by contacting TomTom during the 14 days following delivery by email via http://www.tomtom.com/support to obtain an authorisation number for the return of your order. You may use the Withdrawal Form. Subsequently, you should without any delay return the Product, free of all interests, liens, or claims otherwise, to the address mentioned on the postage label that you receive when you have obtained an authorisation number for the return of your order.

If you decide to cancel the purchase agreement and return the Product to TomTom, you will be liable for any diminished value of the Product resulting from the handling other than what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Product.

You accept that TomTom may charge you for any shipping or postage costs incurred directly associated with returning the Product.

For Services obtained via TomTom you agree that the performance of Services by TomTom will commence immediately – or at least as soon as possible - on TomTom's acceptance of your order and that you relinquish your 14 day cancellation right upon performance.

For Apps, obtained via TomTom or a Reseller you agree that the performance of the Apps obtained by you will commence immediately – or at least as soon as possible – after you have downloaded the App and that you relinquish your 14 day cancellation right upon performance.

4 Váš účet a předplatná

Zakoupení výrobku nebo služby, přístup k použití služby, aplikace nebo dat uživatelského obsahu, případně správa vašich uživatelských dat či dat uživatelského obsahu může vyžadovat vytvoření účtu TomTom. V této části zjistíte, jaká jsou vaše práva a povinnosti v souvislosti s vaším účtem a předplatným. Dozvíte se zde také, jak můžete vy sami nebo společnost TomTom zrušit váš účet nebo předplatné.

4.1 Váš účet: registrace a správa

Za účelem následujících úkonů po vás může být požadováno, abyste si zřídili účet a následně se přihlásili k příslušné platformě:

    i. objednávka výrobku nebo služby;
    ii. přístup k použití služby, aplikace nebo dat uživatelského obsahu (získaných přímo od společnosti TomTom nebo přes prodejce) a 
    iii. možnost nahrávat nebo stahovat uživatelská data nebo data uživatelského obsahu.
    iv. správa účtu či předplatného.

Bez ohledu na své právo použít při zřizování účtu pseudonym („alias“ neboli „přezdívku“) se zavazujete při registraci uvést o sobě pravdivé informace. Údaje na svém účtu udržujte aktuální a v případě zásadních změn je co nejdříve opravte.

Služby, aplikace a data uživatelského obsahu jsou určena výhradně pro uživatele ve věku od osmnácti (18) let. Prohlašujete a zaručujete se, že jste ve věku 18 nebo více let. Bez souhlasu příslušné strany nezřizujte účet jménem jiné osoby, skupiny nebo subjektu, ani neprodávejte nebo nepřevádějte svůj profil či účet.

Za veškeré aktivity realizované na vašem účtu nebo jeho prostřednictvím odpovídáte vy. Odpovídáte za své vlastní uživatelské jméno a s ním související aktivity. Společnost TomTom neodpovídá za ztráty vyplývající z neoprávněného použití vašeho účtu, bez ohledu na to, zda k němu došlo s vaším vědomím nebo bez něj.

Pokud zjistíte, že došlo k přístupu třetích stran ke službám, aplikacím, uživatelským datům nebo datům uživatelského obsahu na vašem účtu, případně k jejich použití, jste o této skutečnosti povinni neprodleně informovat společnost TomTom.

4.2 Předplatná, obnovení a bezplatné zkušební verze

Službu lze nabízet na individuální bázi nebo na bázi předplatného. Pokud máte placené předplatné, bude vám služba poskytována měsíčně nebo na pevně stanoveném základě. Měsíční placené předplatné se uzavírá na dobu neurčitou a na začátku každého období předplatného vám budou automaticky účtovány poplatky a příslušné daně z preferované platební metody, pokud měsíční předplatné nezrušíte PŘED obnovením předplatného. Smlouva o předplatném se uzavírá na dobu neurčitou, pokud se s vámi společnost TomTom nedohodla na době určité.

Společnost TomTom vám také může čas od času a podle vlastního uvážení nabídnout zkušební předplatné pro placené měsíční předplatné nebo předplatné na pevně stanovém základě, a to bezplatně nebo za sníženou cenu („zkušební předplatné“). Společnost TomTom má právo kdykoli bez předchozího upozornění a bez odpovědnosti vůči vám nebo třetím stranám určit způsobilost předplatného a zrušit nebo upravit podmínky zkušebního předplatného v rozsahu povoleném příslušnými právními předpisy.

Pokud chcete využít zkušební předplatné, společnost TomTom po vás bude požadovat uvedení preferovaného způsobu platby. Poskytnutím těchto údajů souhlasíte s tím, že vám společnost TomTom může první den po skončení zkušebního předplatného automaticky účtovat poplatek za placené předplatné (na základě pravidelných měsíčních nebo pevných plateb), přičemž budete předem informováni o příslušné platbě, fakturačním cyklu a dalších relevantních podrobnostech pro takové placené předplatné.  POKUD NECHCETE PLATIT ZA PŘEDPLATNÉ PO SKONČENÍ ZKUŠEBNÍHO OBDOBÍ, JE NUTNÉ PŘÍSLUŠNÉ PLACENÉ PŘEDPLATNÉ ZRUŠIT PŘED KONCEM ZKUŠEBNÍHO PŘEDPLATNÉHO PODLE ČÁSTI 4.3.

Podrobnosti o svých předplatných můžete zkontrolovat na adrese https://www.tomtom.com/account/details.html#my-subscriptions pomocí e-mailové adresy a hesla k účtu TomTom. Klikněte na účet a poté na možnost „Předplatné“.

4.3 Zrušení vašeho účtu nebo předplatného

Měsíční placené předplatné můžete ukončit bez udání důvodu kdykoli PŘED začátkem dalšího období předplatného nebo před koncem období zkušebního předplatného nebo do čtyř měsíců od data, kdy vás společnost TomTom informuje o změně ceny v souladu s bodem 2.2. Společnost TomTom může rovněž ukončit váš účet nebo předplatné z neutrálních důvodů (a bez ohledu na svá práva na ukončení podle kapitoly „Ukončení a omezení v případě porušení z vaší strany“ těchto podmínek a ustanovení). Společnost TomTom se vás bude snažit vždy v maximální možné míře informovat o hrozícím zrušení, v každém případě vás ale uvědomí minimálně třicet (30) dnů předtím, než přistoupí ke zrušení účtu.

Pokud si přejete ukončit předplatné získané prostřednictvím společnosti TomTom, musíte tak učinit po přihlášení na našich webových stránkách TomTom pomocí e-mailové adresy a hesla k účtu TomTom. Předplatné můžete kdykoli zrušit s dodržením 30denní výpovědní lhůty. Po zrušení účtu nebudete mít nadále přístup k žádným údajům, včetně svých uživatelských dat. Přesun uživatelských dat, která si chcete uchovat, před dokončením zrušení je na vaši odpovědnost.

Pokud máte předplatné na dobu určitou, bude po uplynutí této doby automaticky obnoveno na dobu neurčitou, pokud jej nezrušíte PŘED datem obnovení. SPOLEČNOST TOMTOM VÁS BUDE PŘEDEM INFORMOVAT O DATU VYPRŠENÍ PLATNOSTI VAŠEHO STÁVAJÍCÍHO PŘEDPLATNÉHO A O PLATBĚ, FAKTURAČNÍM CYKLU A PŘÍSLUŠNÝCH PODMÍNKÁCH PRO OBDOBÍ OBNOVENÍ. Během období obnovení souhlasíte s tím, že společnost TomTom může pro následnou platbu použít váš současný preferovaný způsob platby. OBNOVENÉ PŘEDPLATNÉ MŮŽETE KDYKOLI ZRUŠIT INFORMOVÁNÍM SPOLEČNOSTI TOMTOM 30 DNÍ PŘEDEM, jak je uvedeno v části výše.

Pokud se rozhodnete ukončit placené (prémiové) předplatné aplikace a aplikace nabízí model bezplatné verze, budete mít k této bezplatné verzi stále přístup, pokud aplikaci neodinstalujete ze svého zařízení. 

Pokud si přejete zrušit svůj účet TomTom, kontaktujte prosím podporu na webu http://www.tomtom.com/support alespoň 30 dní předem.

Společnost TomTom je váš účet nebo předplatné oprávněna zrušit i z neutrálního důvodu (a aniž by tím byla dotčena její práva na zrušení podle článku „Ukončení a omezení v případě porušení z vaší strany“ těchto podmínek a ustanovení). Společnost TomTom se vás bude snažit vždy v maximální možné míře informovat o hrozícím zrušení, v každém případě vás ale uvědomí minimálně třicet (30) dnů předtím, než přistoupí ke zrušení účtu.

V případě zrušení vašeho účtu nebo předplatného jste povinni zničit veškeré kopie obsahu TomTom a všechny jeho součásti.

Po zrušení účtu nebudete mít nadále přístup k žádným údajům, včetně svých uživatelských dat. Přesun uživatelských dat, která si chcete uchovat, před dokončením zrušení je na vaši odpovědnost.

5 Your usage

The license under which TomTom gives you permission to access and use TomTom Services and Apps is governed by certain rules of use. You may consult this section to find out what your usage rights and responsibilities are when it comes to User Data and User Contributed Data, as well as what TomTom's rights and obligations are for the same content.

5.1 Your usage rights

5.1.1 Services and Apps

TomTom grants you permission to access and use the Services and Apps obtained directly via TomTom or via a Reseller in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. In case a Service and/or App should be purchased, the permission to access and use this paid Service and/or App will be granted to you after the purchase has been completed.

5.1.2 TomTom Content

Services and Apps will contain TomTom Content. You are granted a licence to use the TomTom Content provided to you as part of and/or via your Product, Service or App, on the terms set out in this clause.

This licence is non-exclusive and non-transferable. This licence does not include any right to obtain future upgrades, updates, supplements, or any support or technical assistance relating to the Service, App or TomTom Content, unless TomTom has specifically indicated that obtaining those is an integral part of the Product, Service or App.

If upgrades, updates or supplements to the Service, App or TomTom Content are obtained, the use thereof will be governed by these Terms and Conditions or such other terms and conditions and may be subject to additional payments, as you shall be informed and asked to accept prior to TomTom supplying you with the relevant upgrade, update or supplement.

In addition the following applies in particular to TomTom Maps (one of TomTom's Services):

    i. with respect to the data for China: You agree that any Service which contains data of China may be subject to additional terms and conditions which shall be provided to you when available to TomTom. China data may not be exported from China.
    ii. with respect to the data for India: You agree that any Service which contains data of India may be subject to additional terms and conditions which shall be provided to you when available to TomTom.
    iii. with respect to the data for South Korea: You agree that any Service which contains data of Korea may be subject to additional terms and conditions which shall be provided to you when available to TomTom. Korea data may not be exported from South Korea.

5.1.3 ODbL Data

i. Services and Apps may utilize ODbL Data. To the extent this is the case, the following shall apply:

(a) Such use shall be identified in the documentation relating to such Services and/or Apps or otherwise be communicated to You upon your request;

(b) Upon request, TomTom shall deliver to You within a reasonable period all such ODbL Data or direct you to a location where such ODbL Data is available. To the extent provided, TomTom may charge to You its reasonable production costs for delivering a physical distribution. For the avoidance of doubt, all such ODbL Data delivered shall continue to be licensed under the OdbL; and

(c) No restrictions under these Terms and Conditions apply to such ODbL Data other than those restrictions and obligations as included in the ODbL itself.

ii. The ODbL Data is provided on an “as is” and with all faults basis” and TomTom expressly disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability, satisfactory quality, accuracy, title and fitness for a particular purpose.

5.1.4 User Data and User Contributed Data

TomTom grants you permission to (i) upload, use and modify User Data, and (ii) upload and use User Contributed Data, all in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

By uploading any User Data, you will retain all rights you may have therein.

By uploading your User Contributed Data, you will retain all rights you may have therein but you hereby grant TomTom non-exclusive, transferable, sublicensable, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, fully paid and worldwide license for use, reproduction, making available to the public, publication, translation, modification, creation of derivative works thereof, and for distribution and licensing of your User Contributed Data in connection with the service, separately or in combination with other content or materials, in any way and by all means, methods or technologies, regardless of whether they are already known or will be invented in the future. You understand that the rights granted in this section are not affected by the deletion of your account.  If applicable and permitted under applicable law, you also agree to waive any "moral right" or similar rights, such as your right to be recognized as the author of the User Contributed Data, including feedback, and your right to object against the non-respectful use of such User Contributed Data.

You also agree that TomTom may keep one copy of your User Contributed Data in order to comply with legal or commercial obligations.

You confirm that you are the owner, or that these rights have been granted to you by the rightful owner, of all intellectual property rights that are part of the User Contributed Data that are required in accordance with these conditions and that the sharing of the User data does not infringe the intellectual property rights. property rights of any other party.

If you believe that your work has been improperly copied and posted on Services, Apps, or TomTom Websites, such that it constitutes infringement, please provide us with the following information: (i) name, address, telephone number, email address and an electronic or physical signature of the copyright owner or of the person authorized to act on his/her behalf; (ii) a description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed; (3) a description of where on Services, Apps, or TomTom Websites the material that you claim is infringing is located; (iii) a written statement that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and (5) a statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf. These requirements must be followed to give TomTom legally sufficient notice of the infringement. Send copyright infringement complaints to:Legal@tomtom.com.

With respect to User Contributed Data of other users, TomTom grants you the right to use and modify and upload such User Contributed Data in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

5.2 Your usage responsibilities and obligations

5.2.1 Your ownership of User Data and User Contributed Data

TomTom does not claim any ownership in the User Data or User Contributed Data. You affirm and warrant that you own or have the necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions to upload the User Data and User Contributed Data and to grant TomTom all the rights granted in these Terms and Conditions including the right to grant other users of the Services, Apps and TomTom Websites permission to use and modify and upload your User Contributed Data in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

5.2.2 Restriction to alter Products, Services and Apps

Other than as permitted by applicable legislation or as expressly permitted through any technology or means made available by TomTom through the Products, Services and Apps, you will not, and will not allow any person to alter, distort or modify the Products, Services and Apps or any part thereof (either obtained directly via TomTom or via a Reseller), to analyse it by means of reverse engineering, to decompile or disassemble the Products, Services and Apps, to make other products derived from it, or to break or circumvent encryption or to allow or enable third parties to do so.

5.2.3 Reporting and refraining from misuse

Please be informed that TomTom assumes no responsibility for regularly monitoring any of the Services, Apps, and User Contributed Data. If you become aware of any misuse of or on the Services, Apps or User Contributed Data by any user, please report such misuse to TomTom by contacting TomTom support via http://www.tomtom.com/support

By accessing or using Services and Apps, and by uploading or using User Data or User Contributed Data, you agree to refrain from any improper behaviour which shall include but is not limited to the following:

    i. Promotional use and payments: Use of Services and Apps and/or User Data or User Contributed Data for advertising, promotional purposes, marketing and/or sales purposes, posting a solicitation or any other commercial content whatsoever via the Services and Apps. Additionally, you also agree to refrain from directly or indirectly charging any third party for the use of the Services and Apps and/or User Contributed Data, or from accepting payment from a third party to this end. Furthermore, you agree to refrain from framing or mirroring any Services, Apps or User Contributed Data;
    ii. Electronic assaults: taking any action on the Services and Apps designed to circumvent, interfere, disrupt, damage, disable, overburden or limit the functionality of any software or hardware, telecommunications equipment, (security) technology, Services and Apps. You agree not to post User Data or User Contributed Data that contains software viruses, programs or other computer code. Additionally you agree not to upload User Data or User Contributed Data which would involve sending or otherwise making available any material that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, or any other similar software that may damage the operation of TomTom’s servers, computers or networks or a user's Account, computers, networks or Product. Additionally, you also agree to refrain from using or launching any automated system, including but not limited to, “robots” and “spiders” that access Services and Apps in a manner that sends more messages or requests to the TomTom servers than any regular, private user of Services and Apps can reasonably be expected to produce in a similar period of time by using a conventional system. Additionally, you also agree to refrain from trying to gain access to or disrupt another user’s Accounts, computers or networks without authorization;
    iii. Spamming or harassing: posting any User Contributed Data that involves the transmission of "junk mail," "chain letters," or unsolicited mass mailing or "spamming";
    iv. Suggesting involvement of TomTom: displaying User Contributed Data in a manner that implies a relationship or affiliation with, sponsorship, or endorsement of the User Contributed Data by TomTom, that is misleading, offensive, illegal, harmful, tortuous, abusive, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, hateful, that infringes any third party right, is otherwise unlawful, or impairs TomTom’s intellectual property rights;
    v. Mislead: uploading User Contributed Data that promotes information that you know is false or misleading;
    vi. Harming, violating laws or rights of others: posting any User Contributed Data that infringes or violates anyone else's rights, including copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, privacy, publicity or other personal or proprietary rights. Additionally, you agree not to post any User Contributed Data, take any action or use Services and Apps in a way that violates any law or promotes illegal activities. Furthermore, you agree not to post content either directly or through a link, that is illegal, offensive, libellous, defamatory, infringing, inflammatory, deceptive, inaccurate, misleading, malicious, fraudulent, false, indecent, harmful, harassing, intimidating, threatening, hateful, abusive, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, violent, sexually explicit, invasive of privacy, publicity, intellectual property, proprietary or contractual rights, offensive in a sexual, racial, cultural, or ethnic context, will harm or threaten the safety of others, using or posting personal information (including telephone numbers, home or e-mail addresses, names or last names), photos or other images from or concerning other users or other third parties without their explicit consent, or is otherwise objectionable;
     vii. Collecting or publishing data: please be aware of what personal information you share. You will refrain from obtaining or trying to obtain data through any Services, Apps or User Contributed Data except if TomTom intends to provide such data or makes it available to you. Furthermore, you agree not to upload any User Contributed Data containing restricted or password only access pages or hidden pages or images;
    viii. Any other unlawful or unwanted use: using the Services, Apps and User Contributed Data in an unlawful way or in violation of any of these Terms and Conditions. Additionally, you also agree to refrain from violating any code of conduct or other guidelines which may be applicable to the Services, Apps and/or User Contributed Data.

5.2.4 User Interaction Disclaimer

You are solely responsible for your interactions with other people, whether online or in person. TomTom is not responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting from any interaction with other users, persons you meet through Services and Apps or persons who find you because of information posted on, by or through Services and Apps. You agree to take reasonable precautions in all interactions with other users on Services and Apps, and conduct any necessary investigation before meeting another person. TomTom is under no obligation to become involved with any user dispute, but may do so in its discretion.

5.2.5 Physical Activity Notice Disclaimer

Services and Apps may include features that promote physical activity. Consider the risks involved and consult with your medical professional before engaging in any physical activity or using the Products or TomTom Services. TomTom is not responsible or liable for any injuries or damages you may sustain that result from your use of, or inability to use, the features of the Products, Services and Apps.

5.3 TomTom's Rights

5.3.1 Communication and information

By creating an Account, you agree that TomTom may communicate with you by electronic means and that certain information about your use of Services and Apps, User Data and/or User Contributed Data may be shared with us.

5.3.2 Termination and alteration

TomTom reserves the right, with or without notice, to limit, alter, update, upgrade and supplement Services, Apps and User Contributed Data provided to you or made available to you through the use of a Product, Services and Apps (either obtained directly via TomTom or via a Reseller), unless the provision of such updates, upgrades or supplements forms an integral part of the Product, Services and Apps, as indicated by TomTom at the time of sale.

TomTom reserves the right to change the prices for Services, (either on single basis or subscription basis) and Apps, subject to giving you reasonable prior notice thereof. If such change will result in higher prices or otherwise works to your disadvantage (but not in case the higher prices result from higher government levies or taxes), you may terminate your subscription prior to and against the date such change comes into effect as set forth in section 4.3.

5.3.3 User Data and User Contributed Data

TomTom may, at its sole discretion, collect and process usage statistics related to the User Data and User Contributed Data to improve its products, Services and/or Apps, provided it has obtained the necessary consent from you.

With respect to User Data, in the event you upload such data you grant TomTom a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free license to use and copy such User Data for TomTom's own use - without displaying the User Data to any third party without your consent - in so far that this use is necessary for TomTom to be able to provide you with the ordered Product and/or requested Service.

With respect to User Contributed Data, you hereby grant TomTom the right to grant permission to other users to use, modify and upload any User Contributed Data that you may upload through the Services and Apps in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

TomTom may use such information as it deems fit, anywhere in the world, without obligation for compensation, and free of moral rights, intellectual property rights and/or other proprietary rights in or to such information.

When notified that any User Contributed Data may violate any part of these Terms and Conditions or infringes any other third party right, TomTom may remove such User Contributed Data without prior notice. TomTom may terminate your access to and use of Services and Apps for uploading such User Contributed Data.

6 Ukončení a omezení v případě porušení z vaší strany

V této části jsou stanoveny důsledky porušení těchto Podmínek a ustanovení, včetně opožděné platby za služby či předplatná.

TomTom si vyhrazuje právo dle svého vlastního uvážení a aniž by tím byla dotčena jakákoli jiná práva - bez nutnosti oznámení o porušení a bez závazků vůči vám či komukoli jinému - okamžitě zrušit váš účet nebo vaše předplatné, smazat váš profil a jakákoli vaše uživatelská data nebo data uživatelského obsahu a dále omezit vaše používání vašeho účtu, všech služeb a aplikací nebo jejich libovolné části, pokud (i) nedodržíte nebo porušíte kterékoli podstatné ujednání těchto obchodních podmínek, (ii) ani na druhý pokus se nepodaří provést inkaso úhrady za vámi používané služby a/nebo předplatného.

V takovém případě jste povinni vrátit nebo zničit veškeré kopie obsahu TomTom i všech jeho dílčích částí.

Kromě toho dojde při ukončení současně k ukončení platnosti licencí a práv udělených vám společností TomTom.

7 Limited warranty with respect to your Product

TomTom offers a limited warranty with each new or refurbished TomTom product. This section describes the conditions and the extent of this limited warranty and your legal rights in case of defects. It also explains how to submit a warranty claim for your Product. For consumers, the benefits from TomTom's Limited Warranty are in addition to all rights and remedies conveyed by consumer protection laws and regulations.

7.1 Limited warranty

TomTom offers a limited warranty that the Product (obtained either directly via TomTom or via a Reseller) will be free from defects in workmanship and materials under normal use for a period of two (2) years from the date the Product was purchased, or from the date of purchase until such date as you breach any of these Terms and Conditions, whichever is the shorter period. During this period, the Product will be – on the sole discretion of TomTom – either repaired or replaced by TomTom without charge for either parts or labour. Additionally, TomTom will be responsible for the transport and/or shipping costs related to the repair or replacement. If the Product is repaired after this Period has expired, the period for the repair will expire six (6) months after the date of repair. This limited warranty is not transferable. Please note that your rights under applicable law governing the sale of consumer goods remain unaffected by the warranty given in this clause.

7.2 What this limited warranty does not cover

This limited warranty does not cover damage caused by normal wear and tear or as a result of the Product being opened or repaired by someone not authorized by TomTom, and does not cover damage caused by: misuse, moisture, liquids, proximity or exposure to heat and accident, abuse, non-compliance with the instructions supplied with the Product, neglect or misapplication. The limited warranty also does not cover physical damage to the surface of the Product.

Furthermore, this limited warranty does not cover any Services, Apps, User Contributed Data or Third Party Material that may accompany or be installed on the Product or obtained by you via the Services, Apps or TomTom Websites. The limited warranty does not cover the installation, removal or maintenance of the Product or any costs related herewith.

TomTom does not provide any commercial or other warranties in respect of the Products in addition to the limited warranty stated in these Terms and Conditions. This limited warranty is the only express warranty made to you and is provided in place of any other express warranties or similar obligations (if any) created by any advertising, documentation, packaging, or other communications.

7.3 How to make a warranty claim

In order to make a claim under the limited warranty, you must notify TomTom about the defect and explain the defect to TomTom by contacting TomTom within the 2-year warranty period via http://www.tomtom.com/support in order to obtain an authorisation number for the return of your order. The Products must be returned to TomTom as soon as possible following your notification of the defect, along with an explanation of the defect and the authorization number provided to you by TomTom, to the address mentioned on the postage label you receive when you have obtained an authorisation number for the return of your order. You must comply with any other return procedures stipulated by TomTom, if any.

8 Limited warranty with respect to Services, Apps, User Contributed Data and Third-Party Materials

Consult this section to discover TomTom's responsibilities to you for materials. Information and data used in TomTom Services, Apps and User Contributed Data generated by Third Parties.

TomTom may be dependent on third parties for the provision of some (or part of) the Services, Apps and User Contributed Data.

You should be particularly aware of the fact that calculation errors may occur when using navigation systems or when using, uploading or modifying (as applicable) navigation systems such as those caused by local environmental conditions and/or incomplete or incorrect data.

Services, Apps, User Contributed Data or any Third Party Materials are provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, TomTom does not make any warranties or representations - express or implied - regarding the purchase (either directly via TomTom or via a Reseller), access and use of Services, Apps, User Contributed Data or any Third Party Materials including, but not limited to (i) correctness, errors and accuracy (ii) adequacy, (iii) usefulness,(iv) reliability, defects, operation and availability (v) non-infringement, (vi) security, the risk of interception of information, viruses or anything else harmful, (vii) workmanlike effort, support, information or services, (viii) offensive, threatening, defamatory, unlawful or otherwise objectionable character.

The provisions of this clause do not affect any of your legal rights under applicable mandatory national legislation, including but not limited to any mandatory statutory warranties. If any part of this limited warranty is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the limited warranty shall nonetheless remain in full force and effect.

9 Limitation of liability and indemnification by you

Your attention is particularly drawn to this section. Consult this section to find out under which type of circumstances TomTom is liable to you for damages as a result of a Product, Service, App, User Data, User Contributed Data or Third Party Material, including limitations and exclusions. This section does not affect your rights under the applicable mandatory national legislation.

9.1 Limitation of liability

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law neither TomTom nor its officers, directors or employees shall be liable to you or to any third party for any damages either direct, special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages (including but not limited to, damages for the inability to use or access the Products, loss of data, loss of business, loss of profits, business interruption or the like) arising out of or related to:

    i.  the use of, the inability to use or access, or otherwise the performance of a Product, Service, App, User Data, User Contributed Data, or Third Party Material, even if TomTom has been advised of the possibility of such damages; or
    ii. your conduct or that of other users (whether online or offline) or attendance at a TomTom event or any User Contributed Data, even if TomTom has been advised of the possibility of such damages. You assume total responsibility for your use of the Services, Apps, User Data and User Contributed Data; or
    iii. any fraudulent misrepresentation on the part of users of Services, Apps, and/or User Contributed Data; or any violation of these Terms and Conditions; or
    iv. any law or the rights of any third party.

Furthermore, TomTom does not endorse any User Contributed Data or any opinion, recommendation, or advice expressed therein, and TomTom expressly disclaims any and all liability in connection with your access to and use of such User Contributed Data. TomTom is merely acting as a passive channel for the distribution of User Contributed Data and is not undertaking any obligation or liability relating to any User Contributed Data or activities of users. Even in the event TomTom chooses to monitor any User Contributed Data, TomTom assumes no responsibility for, or any obligation to monitor or remove, such User Contributed Data.

That said, if TomTom is found to be liable to you for any damage which is in any way connected with your (inability to) use and/or access of or otherwise the performance of a Product, Service, App, User Data, User Contributed Data and/or any Third Party Material, TomTom's liability shall (i) in the case of a paid Product, Service or App be limited to the amount actually paid by you for the Product, Service or App concerned, and (ii) in the case of free-of-charge Services, Apps, your User Data, and User Contributed Data be limited to the amount of US $350.00.

Notwithstanding any of the above or anything else contained in these Terms and Conditions, nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall limit either party's liability for death or personal injury resulting from its own negligence, or in respect of the implied warranties in sections 12 to 15 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 or the Consumer Protection Act 1987 or your legal rights in respect of defective products or products which are not as described or for any other liability that cannot be excluded or limited by applicable law

Applicable mandatory national legislation may not allow the limitations or exclusions of liability as set out in these Terms and Conditions. The above limitation of liability does not affect your rights under the applicable mandatory national legislation. For more information on rights under the applicable mandatory national legislation, please contact your national Consumers Association or the relevant national authority.

9.2 Indemnification

You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless TomTom, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors and suppliers from and against all claims, losses, liabilities, expenses, damages and costs, including, without limitation, attorneys' fees, arising from or relating in any way to your use of and/or your conduct in connection with a Product, Service, an App and/or your User Contributed Data and your conduct in connection with other users, or any violation of these Terms and Conditions, any law or the rights of any third party.

10 Third Party Materials And Third Party Websites

TomTom also uses licenses, information, and makes references to some other, external entities (Third Parties). Find out the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution of material from Third Parties and how they impact the TomTom product you have purchased.

Products, Services and Apps may make use of Third Party Materials. The use of Third Party Material included in the Products, Services and Apps may be subject to other terms and conditions. The official copyright notices and specific licence conditions of these Third Party Materials are to be found in or via our website http://www.tomtom.com/legal.

You hereby agree that the submission of any order implies that you have read and accepted the terms and conditions for any Third Party Material included in a Product, Service or App ordered, if any.

Where TomTom provides links and/or access to third-party websites, and/or Third Party Material it is only as a convenience to you, and the inclusion of any link or access does not imply an endorsement by TomTom of the third party site, or Third Party Material. TomTom is not responsible for Third Party Materials and the content of any third party websites, services or functionalities, any links contained in third-party websites or services, or any changes or updates to third-party websites or services.

11 Force Majeure

This section explains the extraordinary conditions and circumstances under which TomTom is legally excused for not performing its contractual obligations to you.

Force majeure means circumstances that impede the fulfilment of TomTom's obligations under these Terms and Conditions which are not within TomTom's reasonable control, including late and/or delayed deliveries and incomplete deliveries by TomTom and temporary or partial unavailability of your Account, Services, Apps, User Data and /or User Contributed Data caused by circumstances beyond TomTom's reasonable control. In a force majeure situation all of TomTom's obligations shall be suspended. Should the period in which TomTom cannot fulfil its obligations as a result of force majeure continue for longer than ninety (90) calendar days, both parties shall be entitled to dissolve the purchase agreement in writing and TomTom shall be entitled to dissolve the agreement for the Services or Apps without there being an obligation to pay any compensation whatsoever arising out of or in connection with that dissolution.

12 Ochrana osobních údajů

V této části naleznete (jako uživatel výrobků, služeb, aplikací TomTom) informace o tom, jakým způsobem společnost TomTom nakládá a zpracovává vaše osobní údaje (například jméno, e-mailovou adresu nebo telefonní číslo).

Aby vám mohla dodávat výrobky a služby, musí společnost TomTom používat vaše osobní údaje. Společnost TomTom se řídí zákony Evropské unie a jinými místními zákony na ochranu soukromí a osobních údajů. Na základě toho využije společnost TomTom vaše údaje pouze za účelem a po dobu, pro které byly získány. Naše platné prohlášení o ochraně osobních údajů naleznete na adrese http://www.tomtom.com/privacy.

13 Third Party Rights

Third parties have no rights under applicable legislation to rely upon or to enforce any term of these Terms and Conditions but that does not affect any right or remedy of a third party which exists or is available apart from such applicable legislation.

14 Změna

TomTom si vyhrazuje právo kdykoli provést novelizaci nebo doplnění těchto obchodních podmínek. Jejich aktuální verzi můžete nalézt na webových stránkách TomTom. Webové stránky TomTom pravidelně kontrolujte.

15 Entire agreement

These Terms and Conditions (including any addendum or amendment to them which is included with the accompanying package of the Product), and any other terms and conditions, if applicable, is the entire agreement between you and TomTom relating to the Products including the support services (if any), Services, Apps, User Data, and/or User Contributed Data and they supersede all prior or contemporaneous oral or written communications, proposals and representations with respect to the software or any other subject matter covered by these Terms and Conditions. To the extent that the terms of any TomTom policies or programs for support services conflict with the terms of these Terms and Conditions, the terms of these Terms and Conditions shall apply. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is held to be void, invalid, unenforceable or illegal, the other provisions shall continue in full force and effect.

16 Survival

Any provisions in these Terms and Conditions which by their nature extend beyond the termination or expiration of any sale or license of your Account, Service, App, User Data, and User Contributed Data will remain in effect after termination of these Terms and Conditions.

This includes but is not limited to TomTom's license to use, upload, modify, distribute, sublicense, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble and display User Contributed Data generated by you.

17. Oddělitelnost

Bude-li některé ujednání těchto obchodních podmínek považováno za zdánlivé, neplatné, nevymahatelné nebo v rozporu se zákonem, ostatní ujednání zůstanou v plné platnosti a účinnosti. V případě takových neplatných ujednání nahradí TomTom tato neplatná ujednání novými obchodními podmínkami. Tyto nové obchodní podmínky budou z hlediska svého obsahu a účinku vykládány co nejblíže původnímu znění, ale takovým způsobem, aby z nich mohla být platně odvozena práva.

18 Governing law and competent court

These Terms and Conditions and any disputes related to these Terms and Conditions or to the purchase and use of the Products, Services, Apps, User Data, User Contributed Data or otherwise are subject to English law. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods is hereby excluded from application to these Terms and Conditions.

The English courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with the Terms and Conditions (including any non-contractual disputes or claims). This clause shall not affect your rights under mandatory local law, including the right, where applicable, to bring any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions in the courts of your home jurisdiction or in other courts which have jurisdiction to hear such disputes.

19 Překlady

Pro váš nákup je směrodatná anglická verze těchto podmínek a ustanovení. Veškeré překlady jsou k dispozici pouze z praktických důvodů.

20 Dotazy a stížnosti

Budete-li mít jakékoli dotazy, návrhy nebo stížnosti týkající se vaší objednávky, nákupu, těchto obchodních podmínek, případně se budete na TomTom chtít obrátit z libovolného jiného důvodu, kontaktujte nás prosím e-mailem prostřednictvím webových stránek http://www.tomtom.com/support. TomTom vezme váš e-mail řádně na vědomí, veškeré stížnosti vyřídí v co nejkratší lhůtě a odpověď vám zašle do jednoho (1) týdne.

List of definitions


Your TomTom account created via a Platform or an App.


Any mobile apps developed by TomTom, downloadable via a Reseller.

Built-in Device

Any Product built-in into a vehicle and sold via a third party to you.


Any platforms made available by TomTom via which you will be able to receive Services. Such platforms include, but are not limited to:
– TomTom MyDrive
– TomTom Home
– MyTomTom
– TomTom MySports
– TomTom discussion forum
– and any other online platforms


Any hardware, items and accessories, including but not limited to:
– All navigation devices (excluding the Built-in Devices)
– Sports devices
– Accompanying items and accessories


The Open data Commons Open Database License v 1.0, a copy of which is available here.

ODbL Data

Data licensed under the terms of the ODbL (and which specifically includes data sourced from the OpenStreetMap Foundation along with derivative databases which have been derived from such data).


The Open data Commons Open Database License v 1.0, a copy of which is available here.

ODbL Data

Data licensed under the terms of the ODbL (and which specifically includes data sourced from the OpenStreetMap Foundation along with derivative databases which have been derived from such data).


Any online or offline reseller selling Products, Built-in Devices, Services and Apps including but not limited to third party (car) dealers and third-party app stores.


Any paid or free-of-charge service provided by TomTom, by electronic means, either on subscription basis, continuous basis or single basis, including but not limited to:
– maps (either pre-installed or downloaded)
– safety camera information
– traffic information
– points of interest
– weather information
– fuel prices information
– voices
– TomTom Content
– Platforms

Terms and Conditions

These General Terms and Conditions of TomTom International B.V., a private company with limited liability, having its corporate seat in Amsterdam, its registered address at De Ruijterkade 154 (1011 AC) Amsterdam, the Netherlands and registered in the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands under number 34076599, and holding the VAT number NL 8007.65.679.B.01.

Third Party Material

Content, software codes, data, information, functionality, other content and algorithms licensed or otherwise made available by others than TomTom.

TomTom Content

All information, text, files, scripts, graphics, photos, sounds, music, videos, interactive features, functionalities or other similar materials, made available by TomTom.

TomTom Websites

All websites made available by TomTom, which are accessible by you without prior registration or logging in, including, but not limited to:

User Data

Content that you upload on or via an App, a Platform, a Product, or a Service, including communications, materials, information, data, opinions, photos, profiles, messages, notes, website links, music, videos, designs, graphics, sounds, and any other content, except to the extent the intellectual property rights relating to the aforementioned content are with TomTom or the aforementioned content is otherwise owned by TomTom, its affiliates or licensors.

User Contributed Data

Any User Data contributed to TomTom via the use of an App, a Platform, a Product or a Service, but only in case TomTom has the right to use this data according to your approval, the relevant product information, these Terms and Conditions, and/or TomTom's privacy statement made available to you by TomTom.

Copyright © 2025 TomTom International BV. All rights reserved.