Editors' Picks

The Future of Driving is Electric | TomTom Newsroom
explainers and insights

The future of driving is electric, here's why

By now, we should all know what electrical vehicles are. They’ve become a mainstream part of the collective consciousness of the automobile world in recent years, mostly thanks to their surge in popularity and the focus on government policy that’s effectively banning fossil fuel vehicles. Even so, there are varying opinions as to whether EVs are ’the future’ however – and that’s understandable, given that they’re still relatively new technology and how they challenge what we know of driving and refueling our vehicles.
Mar 14, 2022·4 mins read
explainers and insights

Q&A: How is TomTom helping fix the pains of the EV industry?

Over the past few weeks, we’ve interviewed TomTom’ers who are working on the future of mapping and location tech. We’ve spoken with the technically minded, the future oriented and the community focused. Most recently, we talked to one of TomTom’s EV experts. It might surprise you to find out that TomTom is so invested in the world of EV, but, as we learned, location data and digital maps are going to play a central role in the transition to cleaner transport.
Apr 05, 2023·4 mins read
How to fix range anxiety | TomTom Newsroom
explainers and insights

The complexity of fixing range anxiety

The one thing that keeps rearing its head anytime EVs come up in conversation is range anxiety. Regardless of how you start the conversation, eventually it finds its way back to how far EVs drive and how much of a pain it is charging them. Naysayers lean on range anxiety as a reason not to buy an electric vehicle, whereas EV owners often say it’s not as much of an issue as it sounds. In truth both arguments are correct. Range anxiety is complex and “fixing” it requires a comprehensive multilateral solution.
Nov 19, 2021·5 mins read
EV charging POIs are important to integrate into the UX for EVs.
explainers and insights

UX design: The unsung hero of great EV experiences

In the future, the experience of driving an electric vehicle will be as seamless as that of driving a gasoline-powered car today. Until then, user experience (UX) designers have the unique opportunity to make the in-vehicle experience more intuitive for those making the switch. But there are some important things they need to keep in mind as they take on this challenge.
Nov 29, 2022·3 mins read

Recent Posts

natalya reznik photo
life at TomTom

The endless opportunities of maps: Natalya Reznik’s engineering journey

Within the fast-paced world of technological innovation, there are talented software engineers driving that progress every day. Who are they? What inspires them? And how are they making their individual impact on tech that people use every minute around the world? We talked to Natalya Reznik, Software Engineer at TomTom, to hear how her story across continents and companies led her to mapping.
Jun 04, 2024·4 mins read
For Silvia Longo article
life at TomTom

Developing the developer experience – How TomTom'ers are boosting productivity and innovation

Developers can only go so far with their extensive knowledge and skillset when so much of their time is taken up with low-value, repetitive tasks and infrastructure maintenance. They also need the tools to deliver their best work. While TomTom’ers already have a suite of high-quality applications to help them realize the real-time map, one team's mission is to take this even further. We interviewed a Product Manager in the Internal Developer Experience (IDX) team, Silvia Longo, to find out more…
May 16, 2024·4 mins read
SBD Automotive logo
explainers and insights

Analyst: How TomTom Orbis Maps is a 'big step forward' for the mobility industry

The mobility industry is undergoing one of its biggest shifts. Carmakers are evolving how they work, demanding new technologies and redefining relationships with their partners, while this creates waves of opportunity it’s not without its challenges. We sat down with Andrew Hart, CEO of industry research firm SBD Automotive, to learn more and understand how TomTom Orbis Maps is playing an important role in defining and supporting this transition.
May 03, 2024·7 mins read
TomTom Orbis globe
behind the map

TomTom Orbis maps is on its way to be ‘World’s best map.’ Find out how

“We’re so confident in the quality and the strategy of our new map, we know that if you come and try it out, you’ll be sold on it as well,” Michael Harrell, TomTom SVP of Maps Engineering. “The quality trajectory is going faster than we’ve ever seen.”
May 02, 2024·3 mins read
Drivers are watching the eclipse.
behind the map

How mapmakers keep chaotic traffic under control during a total solar eclipse

Recently, millions of people traveled to and across North America to view the total solar eclipse in all its glory. To keep traffic flowing smoothly and ensure eclipse seekers knew what to expect on the roads, TomTom’s regional sourcing specialists started preparing months in advance. By the end, they’d mapped over 100 road closures in the U.S., and close to 50 in Mexico and Canada each.
Apr 26, 2024·4 mins read
TomTom best location tech platform, April 2024: Counterpoint Research
behind the map

Counterpoint Research: 'TomTom leads in location applications'

In the race for cutting-edge location technology, TomTom has firmly secured pole position, coming out as the frontrunner in location applications and services in Counterpoint Research's latest analysis. For TomTom, it’s more than a win, it’s validation of its commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible on the road.
Apr 25, 2024·2 mins read
Benoit Joly - SVP Sales TomTom
life at TomTom

Pitching the future of maps: Benoit Joly proves why it's worth investing in real-time mapmaking

Creating something is only half the journey. Getting that creation into the hands of the customers is the second half. This is where Benoit Joly, Senior Vice President of Automotive Sales, steps in. From his youth, building basic games and trying out new gadgets, to his decorated career in the tech industry, Benoit is very comfortable with innovation. This makes him the perfect ambassador for TomTom’s products. Hear Benoit’s story from a recent interview and how it led him to TomTom today.
Apr 22, 2024·3 mins read
New York with Premium Map Display
product focus

Style and substance: How TomTom is taking map visualization further

There’s a lot that goes into making a great map – and that includes the way map data is displayed. Map visualization determines what we see on maps, and how they come to life in vehicles and apps.
Apr 08, 2024·7 mins read
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